69th Annual Season
2024 - 2025
The success of the St. Louis Chamber Chorus may be attributed to a range of factors. True, it has always enjoyed outstanding artistic leadership and some of the best vocal talents the city can offer, but there is also a methodical infrastructure, developed over many years, that features an active board and many volunteers, all of whom support a dedicated and supremely competent executive director. With all its members pulling in the same direction, it is small wonder that the Chamber Chorus has been described by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch as “one of the jewels in our city’s artistic crown.”
Organizational Personnel
Philip Barnes, Artistic Director
Nancy Burstein, Executive Director
Katie Sandquist, Administrative Manager
Orin Johnson, Assistant Conductor
Caroline Ibnabdeljalil, Assistant Conductor
Diana Umali, Rehearsal Accompanist
Kate Glass, Co-Librarian
Rebecca Hatlelid, Co-Librarian
Dick Brickson, President of the Board of Directors
Chamber Chorus Singers
This information is correct as of July 2024.
Soprano One
Anna Brummell
Kate Glass
Lydia Hill
Laura Hollingsworth
Caroline Ibnabdeljalil
Christine McDonald
Holley Sherwood
Maggie Tritten
Soprano Two
Mary Ongjoco Chapman
Lori Davis
Renae Eldridge
Christine Guthrie
Celeste Hobbs
Kate Leslie
Sarah Milunski
Brittany Moleski
Kris Suntrup
Alto One
Brook Davis Bisaillon
Lillith Clarke
Susan Crecelius
Jennifer Doermer
Alison Fox
Karin Hagaman
Rebecca Hatlelid
Madison Jackson
Alto Two
Angela Castelli
Anna Drexelius
Angela Fisher
Elise Ibendahl
Brynna LePique
Jill Ritter Lindberg
Amanda Meinen
Stephanie Ruggles
Tenor One
Dereck Basinger
David Carpenter
Derek Dahlke
Carter Datz
Ethan Forte
Tenor Two
Christopher Kilfoyle
Bill Larson
David Miller
Nathan Ruggles
Solomon Wilken
Bass One
Chris Boemler
Dale Burkhart
Jay Harkey
Preston Jordan
Brian Prange
Stephen Schermitzler
Kevin Duco Warner
Bass Two
Matthew Chapman
Richard Deitte
Joseph Drexelius
John Hubert
Orin Johnson
Robert Levinson
Scott Lunte
Dom Moog
Alternate Members and Understudies
The names of alternates and those substituting for full members, together with any understudies, are listed in the program insert provided at each concert.
Other Personnel
Shana Albright, Concert Coordinator
Esley Hamilton, Historian
Ali Ruzicka, Graphic Designer
Amanda Verbeck, Web Designer & Administrator
Pearl Wilson, Professional Photographer